How To Guides

How to Group Emails on Outlook

Managing emails efficiently is crucial for maintaining productivity in both personal and professional settings. Microsoft Outlook, one of the most widely used email clients, offers several features to help users stay organized. One such feature is the ability to group emails, making it easier to manage and navigate through your inbox. In this guide, we will delve into the steps on how to group emails on Outlook effectively, ensuring you can keep your inbox organized and your workflow smooth.

Why Group Emails?

Before we dive into the steps on how to group emails on Outlook, it’s essential to understand why this feature is beneficial. Grouping emails can help you:

  1. Stay Organized: By grouping related emails, you can easily find all correspondence related to a specific project or topic.
  2. Improve Efficiency: Quickly accessing grouped emails saves time and helps you respond faster.
  3. Enhance Focus: By organizing emails, you can reduce distractions and focus on the most important messages.

How to Group Emails on Outlook

Grouping emails on Outlook can be done in several ways. Below are the detailed steps on how to group emails on Outlook using different methods:

Method 1: Using the Built-in Grouping Function

  1. Open Outlook: Launch the Outlook application on your computer.
  2. Go to the View Tab: Click on the “View” tab located at the top of the Outlook window.
  3. Arrange By: In the “View” tab, you will find the “Arrange By” option. Click on it to see a drop-down menu.
  4. Select Grouping Criteria: Choose the criteria by which you want to group your emails. Common options include Date, From, Subject, and Size.

By following these steps on how to group emails on Outlook, you can quickly organize your inbox based on your preferred criteria.

Method 2: Creating Custom Email Groups

For more specific organization, you might want to create custom email groups. Here’s how to group emails on Outlook using custom groups:

  1. Create a New Folder: Right-click on your inbox or another folder, and select “New Folder.”
  2. Name Your Folder: Give your new folder a relevant name, such as “Project A” or “Client B.”
  3. Move Emails to Folder: Drag and drop emails into this folder or set up a rule to move emails automatically.

How to Group Emails on Outlook Using Rules

Outlook’s rule feature allows you to automate the process of grouping emails. Here’s how to group emails on Outlook using rules:

  1. Go to the Rules Wizard: Click on the “File” tab, then select “Manage Rules & Alerts.”
  2. New Rule: Click on “New Rule” to start the Rules Wizard.
  3. Choose a Template: Select a template or start from a blank rule.
  4. Set Conditions: Define the conditions that an email must meet to be included in the group (e.g., from a specific sender or containing certain words).
  5. Specify Actions: Choose the action Outlook should take, such as moving the email to a specific folder.
  6. Finish Rule Setup: Complete the rule setup by naming the rule and reviewing the settings.

By using rules, you can automate the process on how to group emails on Outlook, ensuring that your emails are always organized according to your criteria.

How to Group Emails on Outlook by Conversation

Grouping emails by conversation is a powerful way to keep track of email threads. Here’s how to group emails on Outlook by conversation:

  1. Go to the View Tab: Click on the “View” tab at the top of the Outlook window.
  2. Show as Conversations: Check the box labeled “Show as Conversations.”
  3. Apply to Folders: Choose whether you want to apply this setting to the current folder or all mailboxes.

This method of how to group emails on Outlook is particularly useful for keeping track of ongoing discussions and ensuring that you have all related emails in one place.

Advanced Grouping Techniques

Outlook offers advanced techniques for users who need more control over their email organization. Here’s how to group emails on Outlook using advanced methods:

Using Categories

  1. Assign Categories: Open an email, click on the “Categorize” button, and assign a category (e.g., “Work,” “Personal,” “Urgent”).
  2. Sort by Category: Go to the “View” tab, click on “Arrange By,” and select “Categories.”

Using Search Folders

  1. Create a Search Folder: Right-click on “Search Folders” in the navigation pane and select “New Search Folder.”
  2. Select Criteria: Choose the criteria for your search folder (e.g., emails from a specific person or containing specific keywords).

How to Group Emails on Outlook for Mobile Users

For those who use Outlook on their mobile devices, here’s how to group emails on Outlook mobile app:

  1. Open the Outlook App: Launch the Outlook app on your mobile device.
  2. Tap on Settings: Go to the settings menu by tapping on the gear icon.
  3. Conversations: Enable the “Organize by thread” option to group emails by conversation.

This ensures you can stay organized on the go, maintaining the same level of productivity as you would on a desktop.

Tips for Effective Email Grouping

  1. Regular Maintenance: Regularly review and update your email groups to ensure they remain relevant.
  2. Consistent Naming: Use consistent naming conventions for folders and categories to avoid confusion.
  3. Utilize Flags and Tags: Use flags and tags alongside grouping to prioritize important emails.

Common Issues and Solutions

When learning how to group emails on Outlook, you might encounter some common issues. Here are solutions to a few typical problems:

  1. Emails Not Grouping: Ensure you have selected the correct grouping criteria in the “View” tab.
  2. Rules Not Working: Double-check your rule conditions and actions in the Rules Wizard.
  3. Performance Issues: If Outlook is slow, consider archiving old emails to reduce the inbox size.


Mastering how to group emails on Outlook can significantly enhance your email management and overall productivity. By utilizing the built-in grouping functions, creating custom groups, using rules, and applying advanced techniques, you can tailor your email organization to suit your needs. Whether you’re using Outlook on a desktop or a mobile device, these strategies will help you keep your inbox organized and your workflow efficient. Regular maintenance and consistent use of these features will ensure that your email management remains effective, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.

By following these steps and tips on how to group emails on Outlook, you can transform a cluttered inbox into a streamlined communication hub, improving your efficiency and productivity in the process.

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