How To Guides

How to: Auto Send Email in Outlook

Automated emails can save a significant amount of time and effort, especially in a professional setting. Microsoft Outlook offers various features to automate sending emails. This article will guide you through the different methods and to auto-send email in Outlook, ensuring that your communication is efficient and timely.

Why Automate Email Sending in Outlook?

Before diving into the methods, it’s important to understand the benefits of automating email sending in Outlook:

  1. Time Efficiency: Automating repetitive email tasks frees up your time for more important activities.
  2. Consistency: Scheduled emails ensure that your messages are sent at the right time, consistently.
  3. Productivity: Automation helps streamline workflows and reduce the manual effort involved in managing emails.

Now, let’s explore how to auto-send email in Outlook using different techniques.

Method 1: Using the Delay Delivery Feature

Outlook’s Delay Delivery feature allows you to schedule an email to be sent at a later time. Here’s how you can set it up:

  1. Compose Your Email: Start by drafting your email as usual.
  2. Access Delay Delivery: Click on the "Options" tab in the email window, then select "Delay Delivery".
  3. Set Delivery Time: In the Properties dialog box, check the "Do not deliver before" option and specify the desired date and time.
  4. Send the Email: Click "Send". The email will be stored in your Outbox and sent at the scheduled time.

By using this feature, you can ensure that your emails are sent automatically at the exact time you need, without having to be at your computer.

Method 2: Creating Rules for Automatic Sending

Outlook’s Rules feature can be configured to automate email sending based on specific criteria. Follow these steps:

  1. Open Rules Wizard: Go to "File" > "Manage Rules & Alerts" > "New Rule".
  2. Choose a Template: Select a rule template, such as "Apply rule on messages I send".
  3. Set Conditions: Define the conditions under which the rule should apply. For example, you can set the rule to auto-send email to specific recipients or based on certain keywords in the subject line.
  4. Specify Actions: Choose the action to be taken, such as forwarding the email or sending a copy to another address.
  5. Finalize the Rule: Review the rule settings and click "Finish".

Using rules can help automate responses and forwarding tasks, ensuring your emails are sent according to predefined criteria.

Method 3: Using Outlook’s VBA Scripting

For more advanced automation, you can use VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) scripting in Outlook. Here’s a basic example:

  1. Access VBA Editor: Press Alt + F11 to open the VBA editor in Outlook.
  2. Insert a New Module: Go to "Insert" > "Module".
  3. Write the Script: Enter the following code to create a script that sends an email at a specified time:

Sub SendEmailAtSpecificTime()

    Dim objOutlook As Object

    Dim objMail As Object

    Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

    Set objMail = objOutlook.CreateItem(0)

    With objMail

        .To = ""

        .Subject = "Scheduled Email"

        .Body = "This is an automated email."

        .DeferredDeliveryTime = "5/20/2024 9:00 AM"


    End With

End Sub

  1. Run the Script: Close the VBA editor and run the script to schedule the email.

VBA scripting offers flexibility and can be tailored to fit complex automation needs, allowing you to auto-send email in Outlook based on specific conditions and timings.

Method 4: Using Third-Party Add-ins

There are various third-party add-ins available that can enhance Outlook’s email automation capabilities. Some popular options include:

  1. Boomerang: This add-in allows you to schedule emails to be sent later, set reminders, and track responses.
  2. Mailbutler: Offers email scheduling, follow-up reminders, and task management features.
  3. SendLater: Specifically designed for scheduling emails, it integrates seamlessly with Outlook to auto-send email at your desired time.

To use these add-ins, you typically need to install them from the Microsoft Store or the provider’s website and follow their setup instructions.

Tips for Effective Email Automation

To ensure that your email automation in Outlook is effective, consider the following tips:

  1. Test Before Automating: Always test your automation settings with a few emails to ensure they work as expected.
  2. Clear Instructions: When using VBA scripts or rules, make sure your instructions and conditions are clear and specific.
  3. Monitor Sent Items: Regularly check your sent items folder to ensure that automated emails are being sent correctly.
  4. Stay Updated: Keep your Outlook and any third-party add-ins updated to benefit from the latest features and security improvements.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

While automating email sending in Outlook is straightforward, you might encounter some issues. Here are common problems and their solutions:

  1. Emails Stuck in Outbox: Ensure that Outlook is online and connected to the internet. Also, check if the scheduled time is in the future.
  2. Rules Not Working: Double-check the conditions and actions defined in your rules. Ensure there are no conflicting rules.
  3. VBA Errors: If you encounter errors with VBA scripts, verify that the code syntax is correct and that you have the necessary permissions to run macros.

What to Remember When Auto Sending Email in Outlook

Automating the sending of emails in Outlook can greatly enhance your productivity and ensure timely communication. Whether you use built-in features like Delay Delivery and Rules, advanced VBA scripting, or third-party add-ins, there are multiple ways to achieve this. By following the methods outlined in this guide, you can efficiently auto-send email in Outlook, making your email management more streamlined and effective.

Remember to experiment with different methods to find the one that best suits your needs and always keep an eye on the results to ensure everything is working smoothly. With the right approach, email automation in Outlook can be a powerful tool in your productivity arsenal.